Dr. Sarasi Kannangara
Department: Department of Modern Languages
University Location: (Room Number) K16 402
University Address: Department of Modern Languages,
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
Telephone: (Office) +94-11-2-903721 / (Extension) 722
E-mail: sarasikan@yahoo.com
Educational Qualification:
- MA Degree in teaching German as a Foreign and second Language first class University of Kassel, Germany 2010
- BA (Special) Degree first class honors University of Kelaniya Sri Lanka 2006
Teaching Experience:
- German Language
- Teaching Methods
- German Literature and Lifestyle
Research and Publications:
- Kannangara, S, Karunarathna, R, Ranasinghe, R, Zoysa, A Kuturbeutel, eine interkulturelle Begegnung (textbook for teaching German as a foreign Language in Tourism) 2008
- Kannangara S. (2020) The Evoluation of Personal Dominant Language Constellations Based on the Amount of Usage of the languages. In: Lo Bianco J. , Aronin L. (eds) Dominant Language Constellations. Educational Linguistics, vol 47. Springer, Cham. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-52336-7_9
Current Research Activities:
- The importance of newly and differently developed curriculum and teaching methods in language teaching for immigrants
Research Interests:
- Developing new teaching Methods in Language teaching in Sri Lanka
- Language teaching in Tourism sector
- Intercultural Learning in Language teaching