Graduate Profile

- Special Knowledge
1. 1 Higher – order thinking acquired through the mastery of a body of knowledge, including an understanding of board conceptual and theoretical elements in the major fields of study.
1. 2 Understanding and appreciation of current issues and debates in relation to the subject they have studied.
1. 3 Understanding and appreciation of philosophical bases, methodologies, pedagogies and characteristics of scholarship, research, and creative work.
- General intellectual skills and capacities They will have
2. 1 Capacity for conceptual, critical, comparative, and reflective thinking.
2. 2 Intellectual openness and curiosity.
2.3 Capacity for creativity, originality and problem solving.
2.4 Information literacy for effective and efficient data handling.
2.5 Awareness of the distinctive characteristics of the Sri Lankan socio – political and religious – cultural dimensions as well as the global dimensions of intellectual, political, and economic affairs.
2.6 Ability to communicate knowledge effectively in written and spoken forms of the native languages, in English and other modern languages.
2.7 Ability to comprehend qualitative information and to manipulate numerical calculations.
2.8 Ability to make appropriate use of advanced information and communication technologies.
- Personnel Qualities They will be responsible citizens with:
3.1 Intellectual integrity in research and other academic interactions.
3.2 Enthusiasm and enjoyment of discovering and learning new ideas.
3.3 Ability to work independently as well as in collaboration with others.
3.4 Self – discipline and the ability to plan and achieve personal and professional goals.
3.5 Ability to accept social and civic responsibilities, a willingness to engage in constructive public discourses and to lead the community.
3.6 Respect for the rights and values of different individuals and groups.
3.7 Acceptance of dissenting views.
3.8 Appreciation of religious, ethnic and cultural diversity.
3.9 Respect for responsible, social and ethical behavior.
3.10 Personal and professional integrity.