TESL Students’ Association (TESLSA)
Department of English Language Teaching (DELT)
University of Kelaniya
TESL Association of University of Kelaniya Constitution
Adopted on the
ARTICLE I – University of Kelaniya TESL Association
1.01) The name of this organization shall be the University of Kelaniya TESL Association (UOKTA).The UOKTA is a student organization at University of Kelaniya.
1.02) The purposes for which the Organization is to be organized shall be consistent with the aims and objectives of education and development as pursued by University of Kelaniya and the Department of Teaching English as a Second Language. No purpose or objective of the Organization shall be in conflict with applicable State or University laws presently in force or hereafter enacted.
ARTICLE II - Objectives
The objectives of the organization shall be:
2.01) To promote interest and collaboration in Department related activities
2.02) To provide fellowship among students and faculty
2.03) To represent student needs and wants in regard to difficult situations
2.04)To provide a forum for the presentation of innovative ideas for the benefit of the University and Department community.
ARTICLE III- Membership
3.01) Membership in the Organization shall be open to all undergraduates of the University of Kelaniya.All office bearers must be enrolled students at the Department of Teaching English as a Second Language. Association prohibits any form of discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, national origin, citizenship, disability, genetic information, or any other legally protected status in the administration of and access to the Association’s programs and activities.
3.02) Membership in the Organization shall be determined and renewed by attendance at the AGM. All Members (herein so-called) shall have equal rights and privileges with respect to the election of the Officers of the Organization (defined below).
3.03) Any disputes that arise shall be mediated by the President of the organization. After this process, any disputes unable to be resolved shall be resolved by a majority affirmative vote of members not involved in the dispute.
ARTICLE IV – Office bearers
4.01) Election of Office bearers
The Officers of the Organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, representatives from each batch who, with the Advisor; annually appointed faculty member to the Organization, shall constitute the Executive or Steering Committee (herein so-called) of the Organization.
Officers will be elected by nominations, in an event of two nominations for the same position an election will take place with each active member casting a vote. A majority of votes will constitute avictory.
- Election of officers will take place during the beginning of each University academic year.
- Officers will assume office for the period of oneyear.
4.02) Recall ofOfficers
Officers are subject to recall for malfeasance in office. Malfeasance shall be definedas:
- An inability to perform the requirements ofoffice
- Willfully disobeying University of Kelaniya Rules and Regulations governing student organizations
- Breaching the Student Code ofConduct
- Mismanaging club funds
- Recall procedures will be initiated at the request of five activemembers
- The advisor to the organization should initiate an inquiry and present the evidence during a meeting. Based on the evidence a two-thirds majority of those active members voting in a recall at the end of the hearing is necessary to remove anyoffice.
ARTICLE V – Voting
ARTICLE VI- Not – for- profit Statement
ARTICLE VII- Financial Obligation
Committee Members of TESL Students’ Association (TESLSA)
Senior Treasurer | Mr. Hasitha Pathirana | Senior Lecturer |
President | Nicholle Collom | Fourth year |
Vice President | Vimukthi Vaz | Third year |
Secretary | Nelumi Bandara | Fourth year |
Assistant Secretary | Rupeshika Gunawardena | Third Year |
Treasurer | Aaddila Nazeer | Second Year |
Batch representative | Pawani Methmini | First year |
Batch representative | Ama Perera | Second year |
Batch representative | Dinithi Lorensuhewa | Third year |
Batch representative | Piumi Fernando | Fourth year |
Social Media Team (TESLSA)
1. Ravindu Wickramarathne (Fourth year)
2. Ruvinath Uyangoda (first year)
1. Pawani Methmini (first year)
2. Zainab Fousz (First year)
3. Sithiji Amarasena (third year)
4. Dinithi Lorensuhewa (third year)
1. Thisuri Jayalath (fourth year)
2. Sujani Dissanyaka (fourth year)