Room No. K2 -201
Department of Hindi Studies
University of Kelaniya
Sri Lanka
Email: nsuba@kln.ac.lk (University)
Academic Qualifications:
Master of Philosophy in Hindi studies (Merit Pass) University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 2013. Research Thesis: ‘Hindi and Shinhala Noun Phrase: A comparative Study’
Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Hindi studies (First Class) University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. 2005. Research Thesis: ‘Jayshankar Prasad and Rajyashri’
Other educational qualifications:
Successfully completed following Hindi Examinations conducted by Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha, Madras, India.
Praveshika Examination- Second class (2003)- All Island 3rd place
Rashtabhasha Examination- Second class (2002)Madhyama Examination - First class (2001)
Prathamic Examination - First class (2000)
Professional qualifications:
Senior Lecturer- I, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, from 2020
Senior Lecturer- II, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2014-2020
Lecturer, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2009-2014
Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya. 2008-2009
Junior Fellow, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya. 2006-2008
Lecturer (Diploma Programme in Hindi), Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2016-2017
Lecturer (Diploma Programme in Hindi), Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, 2008-2010
Lecturer, External Examinations Degree Seminar Series in Hindi Studies, Examination of Centre for Distance and Continuing Education (CDCE), University of Kelaniya. 2017
Lecturer, External Examinations Degree Seminar Series in Hindi Studies, Examination of Open and Distance Learning (CODL), University of Kelaniya. 2010-2014
External Examiner and Moderator, B. A. (General) Degree Examination- Hindi, Centre for Distance and Continuing Education (CDCE), University of Kelaniya. 2010-2014, 2017
Visiting Lecturer, MAMS/BUMS (Foundation Course for Hindi Language) Institute of Indigenous Medicine University of Colombo. 2007
Administrative positions:
Student Counselor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya. 2017/2018
Acting Head, Department of Hindi, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya. (09.08.2017- 16.08.2017)
Department coordinator, Corporate Plan Monitoring Committee, 2016-2018
Web Master, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya. (2011-2015)
Senior Treasurer, Hindi Parishad, Department of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya. (2012-2015)
Student Counselor, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya. 2009, 2011
Research and Publications:
- Hindi Bhaashaa saha Saahitya Itihaasaya’ HIND E 2015 The Study Guide for B. A. (External Degree) Centre for Distance and Continuing Education (CDCE), University of Kelaniya. 2016
- ‘Baal Gadya Saritaa’ (A collection of prose) (Unprescribed books of B. A. General Degree) Author Publication (2009)
- ‘Hindi Kriya Naama’ (Hindi Verbal Nouns) A Glossary Author Publication (2009)
- ‘Paraajaye Jayagrahanaya’ (Collection of translated Hindi Short Stories to Sinhala, Author Publication (2008)
- A translation of Vishvambarnath Sharma ‘Kausik’s Hindi short story ‘Thaii’ into Sinhala as ‘Loku Amma’, Vidsha Bhaashaa Saahitya Sangrahaya, (Collection of translations- Vol. II) (2011) Published by Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Kelaniya.
- A translation of Premchand’s Hindi short story ‘Rakshaa main Hatyaa’ into Sinhala as ‘Vidde Haawata Vedune Pandurata’,Vidsha Bhaashaa Saahitya Sangrahaya,(Collection of translations) (2009) Published by Dept. of Modern Languages, University of Kelaniya.
- A translation of Sudarshan’s Hindi short story ‘Haar kii jiith’ into Sinhala as ‘Paraajayee Jayagrahanaya’, Deragamina (2009) Godage Godage Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Colombo 10.
Research Articles:
- ‘Glimpse of Buddhism in ‘Volga se Ganga’ Story Collection by Rahul Sankrityayan', Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, Vol.30, pp. 80-91, 2023, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
‘Sri Lanka me Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan ka Jeewan’, SHODH SANDARSH, An International Bilingual Multidisciplinary Peer, Reviewed Refereed Quarterly, Research Journal, Vol. 36, March 2023, Uttar Pradesh, India
'Structure of the Hindi Noun Phrases', Indrabhivandana (Professor Indra Dassanayake Felicitation Volume) 2019, Department of Hindi Studies, Vidyalankara Publishers, Dalugama.
'Hindii Tathaa Sinhalii Ke Anishchywachak Sarwnaam' (Indefinite Pronouns in Hindi), E PRAYAS, Indian Culture Centre High commission of India.
- ‘Jayshankar Prasad: Hindi Naatya Saahityayehi Shreshtha Racakayaa’, (Jayshankar Prasad: The great writer in Hindi Drama Literature), Shaastri : A felicitation volume of Ven. Hiripitiye Pannaakitti Mahaa Thero (2013) Godage Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Colombo.
- ‘Naatakkaar Ke Ruup Me Jayshankar Prasad’, (Jayshankar Prasad: The greate writer in Hindi Drama Literature), Shaastri : A felicitation volume of Ven. Hiripitiye Pannaakitti Mahaa Thero (2013) Godage Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Colombo
- ‘Hindi Naatyaye Vikaasanya’ (Evolution of Hindi Drama), H I N D journal, Vol. II, ( 2007), Dept. of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Unpublished Research Articles
- ‘Bhaarataye jaatika Bhaashaa Prashnaya Niraakaranya Kiriimehi Laa Daayakatvaya Labaadun Vividha Aayatana’ (in Sinhala) (The Institutions which are contributed to solve the issue of the National Language of India
- Bhaaratiiya Aadivaasiinge Maatrubhaashaa saha Hindi Bhaashaava Atara ati Sambandhya’ (in Sinhala) (Closeness of Hindi and mother tongs of Aborigines of India)
Abstracts Presentations:
‘Influence of Buddhism on the novel ‘Wismrit Yatri’ by Rahul Sankrityayan, International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC) 2022, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
‘Influence of Buddhism on the novel ‘Singh Senapati’ by Rahul Sankrityayan’, ‘SHODHOTSAV 2022’ National Young Research Conference, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University Delhi
- ‘A Comparative study of Indefinite Pronouns in Hindi and Sinhala Noun Phrases’, International Postgraduate Research Conference(IPRC) - 2017, Faculty of Graduate Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (06th December, 2017)
- ‘Meaning revolution of Hindi words’ The 2nd International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS) - 2017 Department of Sanskrit Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (09th November, 2017)
- ‘An Analytical Study of E-Learning and Standard Hindi’, Indo-Sri Lanka Hindi Conference (ISHC) - 2017, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (13th September 2017)
- ‘Possessive case in Hindi and Sinhala Noun Phrase’, International Postgraduate Research Conference(IPRC) - 2016, Faculty of Graduate Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (08th , 09th December, 2016)
- ‘Personal Pronouns of Hindi and Sinhala Languages’, International Conference on the Humanities (ICH) 2016, Faculty of Humanities, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (6th ,7th October 2016)
- ‘Numerals in Hindi and Sinhala Noun Phrase’, International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015, Faculty of Graduate Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (10th , 11th October 2015)
- ‘The problems faced by the Sinhalese Students when using Hindi Vibhakti’ 11th Annual Research Symposium – 2010, Abstracts of Presentations Faculty of Graduate Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (30th November & 01st December 2010)
- ‘A Comparative Study of Hindi and Sinhala Adjectives’ 10th Annual Research Symposium – 2009, Abstracts of Presentations Faculty of Graduate Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (17th & 18st December 2009)
- ‘A Comparative Study of Hindi and Sinhala participle Adjectives in Noun Phrase’ 09th Annual Research Symposium – 2008, Abstracts of Presentations, Faculty of Graduate Studies, university of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (18th & 19st December 2008)
Editing of Books
Consultant Editor, ‘Book of Abstracts’, The First Undergraduate Research Symposium On Hindi Studies, Dept. of Hindi Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. (30th November 2016)
Editor, ‘Manthan’ [(Hindi Text book for G. C. E. (Advance Level)],2013, Sarasvathi House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
‘Naatakiiy Tatvo ke Aadhaar Par Raajsrii’ 2006, Author Publication.
Teaching Interests:
Hindi Grammar, Hindi literature, Linguistics
Research Interests:
Hindi literature, Linguistics
Extra-curricular activities:
Session chair, Undergraduate Research Symposium 2019, University of Kelaniya
Member of the panel of reviewers, Undergraduate Research Symposium 2019, University of Kelaniya
Member of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on the Humanities
(ICH 2018/19), University of Kelaniya
Resource Person of the ‘Two-day Teacher Training Program’ for school teachers who teach
Hindi, held on 13th and 14th June 2018, University of Kelaniya
Reviewer for ‘PRABHA’ Academic Journal, 5th Issue- Volume ii, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, 2017
Reviewer for International Postgraduate Research Conference -2017 (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
Conducted lectures for G.C.E. A/L Hindi Language Teacher Training program, National Institution of Education, Maharagama. 2016, 2017
Resource Person, Committee of G.C.E. A/L Hindi (Greade 13) -Teacher’s Guide, National Institution of Education, Maharagama, 2017
Resource Person, Committee of G.C.E. A/L New Hindi syllabi & Teacher’s Guide, National Institution of Education, Maharagama, 2015
Rapporteur, International Postgraduate Research Conference -2015 (IPRC), University of Kelaniya.