A workshop on Internal Quality Assurance

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A workshop on Internal Quality Assurance for the Members of academic and non-academic staff of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies. 

The event was graced by Senior Prof. Makuruppe Dhammananda Thera, Head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Senior Prof. Tharele Dhammarathana Thera, Senior Prof. Uditha Garusinha and the members of the staff.

The invited resource person for the workshop was Dr. Vindhya Weerawardhane, Coordinator of the Internal Quality Assuarence Cell of the Faculty of Humanities and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Linguistics. The event was organized by Lecturer Ven. Suriyawewe Wijayawimala, the Department Coordinator, Internal Quality Assuarence Cell, Faculty of Humanities.

Date: 2024-02-06

Vanue : Boadroom - Faculty of Humanities



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