

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Buddhist Psychology

In order to face these challenges, it is necessary to open new avenues for students to grow themselves equipped with multiple disciplines and comparative studies to have access to global job market and postgraduate studies. As there is a growing number of student population of wide interests and seeking new paths of education national and international, it is necessary to create a good educational atmosphere to carter to their needs and interest. In recognizing the above challenges the Department of Pāli and Buddhist Studies have proposed this Degree Programme on Buddhist Psychology with a view to expose students to the new dimensions of higher education. It is hoped that the quality of knowledge, skills and attitudes of the students would improve in the process of their studies in Buddhist Psychology. Graduates become professionals equipped with knowledge and skills, value human social norms and ethics, perform analytically, demonstrate leadership qualities, and work creatively and professionally with innovative ideas.



Studies and Length

120 Credits



Programme Period

4 Years

Overall Aims of the programme

Welcome to our university, dedicated to nurturing competitive graduates poised to drive national development. With a commitment to shaping the future of Sri Lankan education, we seamlessly integrate traditional wisdom with contemporary knowledge. Our unique curriculum delves into Buddhist psychological theories, fostering an environment where students grasp the applications of these principles for personal and societal improvement. We aim to instill a profound understanding and appreciation of Buddhist Psychology, empowering our students to apply its theories effectively. Our academic discourse extends to the comparative realms of psychology and counseling, fostering a research culture that explores the intersections between Buddhist and Western psychology. Join us in cultivating a dynamic learning environment that blends tradition with innovation, preparing graduates for impactful contributions to both local and global landscapes.

Programme Learning Outcomes

i. Demonstrate an advanced knowledge, understanding and familiarity with the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings, and historical trends in Buddhist and Western psychology.

ii. Demonstrate the awareness of the current developments in Buddhist and Western psychology including, for example, study design, data collection, and analysis, new findings, complicated issues, theories, approaches, techniques etc.

iii. Critically analyze data, make judgments and propose solutions to psychological issues.

iv. Design, implement, and communicate basic research methods in Buddhist psychology, including research design, data analysis, and interpretations.

v. Apply Buddhist psychological content and skills to professional work, exhibit self-regulation, use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and a scientific approach to address issues related to human behavior and mental processes.

vi. Use practical skills in research, communication, ethical behavior, complex cognitive processes, and professional development.

v. Assume personal responsibility, demonstrate accountability and develop life direction.

vi. Recognize and articulate the importance of diversity (including cultural, ethnic, racial, gender, sexual, age, and religious) as it applies to each sub-discipline.

vii. Analyze and devise appropriate strategies for adopting to changing environments and value empirical evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and recognize their role and responsibility as a member of society.

viii. Exercise Buddhist psychological content and skills to career goals ,demonstrate effective teamwork skills and develop meaningful professional and social direction for life after graduation.

Course Structure

1st Semester

BUPS 21712 - Buddhist Phenomenological Psychology II
BUPS 21724 - Buddhist Psychological Ethics
BUPS 21734 - Psychology of Religions I
BUPS 21744 - Gerontology in Buddhist Perspective
BUPS 21751 - Community Service Engagement

2nd Semester

BUPS 22764 - Source Studies in Buddhist Psychology I
BUPS 22774 - Buddhist Cognitive Psychology
BUPS 22784 - Fundamentals of Modern Psychology
BUPS 22794 - Introduction to Applied Buddhist Psychologyand Psychotherapy
BUPS 22804 - Psychology of Religions II
1st Semester

BUPS 31714 - Principles and Theories of Buddhist Psychology
BUPS 31724 - Source Studies II
BUPS 31734 - Buddhist Analysis of Psychophysical Disorders
BUPS 31744 - Buddhist Attitude to Aging and Adulthood
BUPS 31754 - Traditional Healing Systems and Mental Health
PSNH 31512 - National Heritages and Civic Responsibility

2nd Semester

BUPS 32764 - Psycho Analysis in Vij anavada Buddhist Thought
BUPS 32774 - Social Psychology in Buddhism
BUPS 32784 - Buddhist Environmental & Organizational Psychology
BUPS 32792 - Research Methodology and Critical Writing in Buddhist Psychology
PSIT 32522 - ICT Skills for Education and Professional - Part I
1st Semester

BUPS 41714 - Buddhist Counselling Psychology
BUPS 41724 - Buddhist Educational Psychology
BUPS 41734 - Buddhist Perspective in Child-Psychology
BUPS 41744 - Mindfulness Based Stress Management
PSIT  41532 - ICT Skills for Education and Professional - Part II

2nd Semester

BUPS 42754 - Meditation for Development of Human Competencies
BUPS 43766 - Research Component
BUPS 43774 - Internship
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