

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Buddhist Philosophy

The Buddhist philosophy (Honours) degree programme is an undergraduate course specially designed to meet the needs of those students wishing to pursue a profession in Buddhist Philosophy in institutions, academia such as: peace activist, researcher/ scholar, counsellor, religious advisor etc. national and international level. The degree programme is based on scientific studies in Buddhist philosophy and a multidisciplinary academic approach to Buddhist philosophy and field of religious studies. At the completion of the programme, the students will be able have a comprehensive knowledge of the various areas of Buddhist philosophy in theory. 


Sinhala / English

Studies and Length

120 Credits



Programme Period

4 Years

Overall Aims of the programme

The Buddhist philosophy (Honours) degree programme is aimed at enhancing the knowledge, attitude and skills of the undergraduates in the origin and development of Buddhist thought, Buddhist metaphysics and epistemology, ethics, spread of Buddhism in China, Japan, and Tibet and its psychological, social, academic and scientific significance focusing on the philosophical ideas and arguments presented and defended by various Buddhist traditions. The study includes exposition of key terms and teachings reflected in the primary and secondary sources and modern academic findings.

Programme Learning Outcomes

i. Identify and understand the core areas of Buddhist philosophy.

ii. Review studies of Buddhist philosophy, analyze, and synthesize their research findings and draw appropriate inferences.

iii. Demonstrate an awareness of the ongoing academic studies, challenges and opportunities available in the field of Buddhist studies.

iv. Use the scientific method and appropriate technology as a primary basis for engaging in critical thinking.

v. Describe and apply skills that enhance cross-cultural communication, interactions, and relationships.

vi. Examine and evaluate attainable careers, common work settings and educational opportunities available with an undergraduate Buddhist philosophy degree.

vii. Interact with others effectively and work productively with responsibility and accountability.

viii. Display knowledge of the skills necessary for success as a Buddhist philosophy major.

Course Structure

1st Semester

BUPH 21712 - Buddhist Psychoanalysis - I
BUPH 21724 - Buddhist Ethics
BUPH 21734 - Buddhist Social Philosophy
BUPH 21744 - An Introduction to Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist Sources
BUPH 21751 - Community Service Engagement

2nd Semester

BUPH 22764 - Buddhist Psychoanalysis- II
BUPH 22774 - Buddhism and Western Thought
BUPH 22784 - Schools of Buddhist Thought in India- Historical and Philosophical Development
BUPH 22794 - Psychology of Religions and Early Buddhist View
1st Semester

BUPH 31714 - Study of Primary Sources - I
BUPH 31724 - Abhidhamma and the Development of Buddhist Thought
BUPH 31734 - Study of Mahayana Sutra Literature and its Philosophical Background
BUPH 31744 - Contemporary Buddhist Scholars and their Academic Contribution
PSNH 31512 - National Heritages and Civil Responsibility
PSNH 31512 - National Heritages and Civic Responsibility

2nd Semester

BUPH 32754 - Study of Primary Sources - II
BUPH 32764 - Buddhist Epistemology
BUPH 32774 - Indian Philosophical Schools
BUPH 32782 - Research Methodology
PSIT 32522 - ICT Skills for Education and Professional- Part I
1st Semester

BUPH 41714 - Buddhist Logic
BUPH 41724 - Methods of Meditation in Buddhism
BUPH 41734 - Buddhist Philosophical Traditions in East Asian Countries
BUPH 41744 - Buddhism and World Religions
PSIT 41512 - ICT Skills for Education and Professional- Part II

2nd Semester

BUPH 42754 - Tantric Buddhism and Tibetan Studies
BUPH 42764 - Early Buddhist view on Social Issues and Conflict Resolution
BUPH 43774 - Internships
BUPH 43786 - Dissertation
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