Professor K.B. Jayawardhane
Department of Sanskrit Studies
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94 -0112987665 (Office)
+94-71 8111312 (Mobile)
E-mail: jayawardhanakb@kln.ac.lk
Academic Qualification:
Ph.D. "Comparative Study Schools of Yoga in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism" in 1997 BHU in India. |
Diploma in Yoga, 1997, BHU in India. |
Advance Diploma in Hindi, 1996 BHU in India. |
PG Diploma in Agama Tantra, 1995 BHU in India. |
Certificate Course in Yoga, 1995, BHU in India. |
MA., (1st Class) in 1993 BHU in India |
Diploma in Hindi, 1993 BHU India. |
B.A. (Hons) in Sanskrit in 1991, University of Kelaniya, (2nd upper Class) |
Basic Computer Operations Course, 2001 IIM, University of Colombo. |
Professional Qualifications:
Senior Lecturer Grade II, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo from 2003 up to now. |
Working as a Visiting Lecturer Department of Sanskrit,University of Kelaniya from 1997 up to now. |
Working as a Lecturer Proficiency in Sinhala for Unani students 2003, 2004,2013 IIM, University of Colombo |
Lecturer, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo From 2001 to 2003. |
Working as a Visiting Lecturer Department of language, University of Buddhasrawaka, 2000 -2001 . |
Working as an Instructor in Yoga, Department of Practical Buddhist studies University of Buddhasrawaka, 2000-2001 |
Probationary Lecturer, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo from 1998 to 2001. |
Working as a Visiting Lecturer Department of Sanskrit, University of Pali & Buddhist From 1998 - 1999 |
Working as a supervisor in the field of Ph.D (Two Scholars) |
Working as an external examiner for Mphil (Three Scholars) |
Scholarships, Medals and Prizes Etc.
In 1991, Post Graduate Scholarship that was awarded by ICCR for MA in India. |
Research and Publications:
Books |
"Sanskruta Prevesha Gadya Padyaawalee (I-II)", in 2008, Praachee Educational Cntre in Maharagama. |
"Gurumaargopadesha Samgrahaya for Grade 12" in sanskrit in 2010, Department of educational Publication. |
"Gurumaargopadesha Samgrahaya for Grade 13" in sanskrit in 2010, Department of educational Publication. |
"Wimarshaa Shashtreeya Samgrahaya Volume -I", Department Of Basic Principles in 2009. |
"Saskrutayen rachanaawak liyamuda? Let us Write an essay in Sanskrit", in Sanjeewa printers in 2003. |
"Bhelasamhita (vyaakyaasahita)", Samyawardhana Publishers in Maradana in 2013. |
"Bhraahmadharma hevath Anushaasanaa Samgrahaya (ed.)", S. Godage Publicers in Maradana in 2011. |
"Sandhi Granthaya, (ed.)" Alumni Society of Vidyodaya Pirivena in 2012. |
Abstract Papers |
An Abstract Paper presented on "Vehesatapath Veda Sisu Manasa Samsun karana Sanskruta Bhaashaaprayoga" in Sinhala in 1st Sanskrit Symposium organized by the Department of Sanskrit in 2011. |
Articles |
"Nirogee bava rekagenimarta Yoga", Sādanā Journal in 1999. |
• "Samskruta Saahityaye Praacheena Ayurveda samhitaa haa katuvaru", Sādanā Journal in 1999. |
•Yogadarshanaye Aitihasika vikashaya haa Yoga Sadhanaa", journal of Faculty of Humanities, Volume - vi, in 2006. |
"Sanskruta Naatyaye Prabhavaya", journal of Faculty of Humanities, Volume - viii, in 2008. |
"Namapada Vigrahaya", Neöesa Annual Journal, Asgiriya Maha Pirivena in 2011. |
"Takman-Jvara-Una (Una Roagaya Pilinbanda Vimarshanayak)", Sudasuna abhistava shāshtriya sangrahaya in 2011. |
"Kumarasambhavayen niruupita maanuShiiya Saaradharma", Bhsh prabh, volume-iv, Department of Sanskrit, Sri Lanka Buddhist and Pali University, in 2011. |
"Yoga Darshanaye igenvena Pancavidha kleshayan praheena karana kriyaayoga", Sammananee Journal in 2009. |
"Sri harsha haa ohuge Naatyakruthi" ,Vidylankra Annual Journal, in 2008. |
"Atharvan Vedayen niruupita Podujana vyavasaaya", Alocana Felicitation Volume in 2013. |
"Shareera samrakshanaya haa paramaayusha Vindanaya", Mudit, Deshabandu Sirisumana Godage Felicitation journal in 2011 |
"Pranna aparaadha", Hiripitiye paññkirti, Felicitation journal in 2011. |
"Samkruta Sahityaye Shataka kavya nirmanaya", Vidyodaya Annual in 2008. |
"Dhaarshanika padanamakin Lokotpattiya vivaranaya karana Naashadeeya Sutraya",Vidyodaya Annual in 2012. |
"Mrucchakatika Natyaye Niruupita Shakaara Caritaya", Vidyodaya Annual in 2013. |
"Introduction for Dauldena Nenissara grantha ratnaavaliya", in Lek house Pubication in 2012. |
"Pratya shatakaya (Trans.)", Vimarshaa Sastriya Samgrahaya Volume - I, in 2009. |
"Kama Kala shaashtraya", Carana Annual Journal, University of jayawardhanapura, in 2011. |
"Nagananda Natakaya", Nandana Shaastriiya Journal, Nandana Prakaashana in 2005. |
"Samadhi Badhaka Dharma", Asirirmathsita, S. Godage Publishers in Maradaana in 2006. |
"Sanskruta Gadyaye Kaadamabaree", Abhisarana Felicitation Volume in 2006. |
"Aurveda Samhitaa Granthayanhi Sudu luunu", Sambhaavanaa Felicitation Volume in 2002. |