Ven. Udawela Rewatha TheroSenior Lecturer II
Department of Sanskrit Studies
University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya,
Sri Lanka.
Permanent Address : Sri Vishuddharamaya, Andagala, Weuda.
Postal Address : Nalandaramaya, Nalanda Place, Colombo 10.
Tel: +94-11-2903649 (Office)
+94- 81 2461374 (Residence)
+94-71-7272070 (Mobile)
E-mail: udawelaur@kln.ac.lk (University)
Academic Qualification:
- Royal Pandith, Merit Pass, the Oriental studies society, in 2002.
- B.A. (Hons) in Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, in 2008
- MPhil, (Merit Pass) " INFLUENCE OF SANSKRIT VASTU THEOREMS FOR HOUSE PLANNING IN SRILANKA" Post Graduate Institute of University of Kelaniya, in 2012
- Diploma in English, in Gangarama Vocational Training Centre in 2009
- Diploma in Korean, University of kelaniya in 2010
- IELTS in 2016 (overall Band Score 6.0)
- English Language Teaching Course conducted by the ELTU, University of Kelaniya in 2008.
Research Interested in:
- Paninian Grammar
- Vastuvidya
- Modern Trends on Sanskrit
- Sanskrit Grammar
- Eastern Studies
Professional Qualifications:
- Working as a permanent lecturer , Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya Since 16th September 2013 up to now
- Working as a temporary Lecturer, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya from 2013.03.27 to 2013. 09 15
- Working as a visiting Lecturer, Department Of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya Since 2012
- Working as a visiting lecturer, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, university of Colombo From 2011 – 2012
- Working as a visiting lecturer, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, university of Colombo From 2010 – 2011
- Working as a temporary Lecturer, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya from 2010 to 2011
- Working as a temporary Lecturer, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya from 2009 to 2010
- Working as a junior fellow, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya. Since 2008.
- Working as a visiting lecturer of Certificate Course in Sanskrit conducted by the Department of Sanskrit.
- Working as a visiting lecturer of Certificate Course in Astrology conducted by the Department of Sanskrit.
- Working as a teacher in International Bhikkhu Training Institute in Gampaha from 2005 – 2008.
Details of Scholarships, Medals and Prizes Etc.
- The most venerable koöahene prajïäkérti Memorial Gole medal For the Highest Marks of Sanskrit in 2008.
- M.H.F. Jayasooriya Memorial Gold Medal For the Highest Marks of Faculty of Humanities in 2008
- The most vernarable Ratmalane Dharmaloka thera Memorial Gold Medal For the Highest Marks of the University in 2008
- The highest Marks of Island at Precheena Final Examination conducted by Oriental Studies Society, Ministry of Examination in 2002
- ñri ïäëavimala thero memorial Scholarship for the highest marks of pali in Pracheena Middle Examination in 2001
- ìänatilaka thero Memorial Scholarship for the highest marks of Island in Pracheena Middle Examination in 2001.
Extra Curricular Activities
- Member of the paper setter board on OL Examination (Sanskrit) since 2014
- Member of the paper setter board of AL Examination (Sanskrit) since 2015
- Member of the paper setter board of Ayurveda Department since 2014
- A member of committee for the International Postgraduate Research Conference in 2015
- The consulting coordinator for the Students Research symposium, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, in 2015.
- Course Coordinator of Vāstuvidyā Certificate Course since 2015
- Member of the web committee of faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, in 2015
- Student Counselor, faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, in 2015.
- Member of the organizing committee of International Conference on Humanities in 2015
- Member of the organizing committee of International Conference on Humanities in 2016
- Web Master at Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, since 2015
- Review committee member of paper setting panel of prirven section in Department of Examination, since 2016
- The president of Literary Association in the year 1999, 2001 and 2002.
- A Committee member of Sanskrit Parshad from 2006-2008.
- A Co-editor of Sudasuna journal that was published in 2011.
- An editor of Sādanā annual journal published by the Dept. of Sanskrit.
- The Organizer of the Programme which was held to admire the invaluable dedication of Modern Sanskrit Scholars.
- Working as an Assistant Examiner in the field of OL Examination Since 2005
- Working as an Assistant Examiner in the field of AL Examination Since 2005
- Working as an Assistant Examiner in the field of Pracheena Examination Since 2009
- Attending as a chief lecturer for various educational and non educational institutes in Sri Lanka.
- Attending as a chief lecturer for various seminars conducted by National Schools as well as Pirivanas.
- Delivering lectures for the Prāchina Examination Seminars.
- Delivering lectures on teacher training program conducted by the National Institute of Education.
- The certificate course of Graphic Designing in 2003.
- Preaching sermons on various FM channels as well as the television channels.
Research and Publications:
- Geetha Kaumudi ( A collection of Sanskrit Songs) in 2009
- Bhāsana Samskrutam (Let us speak in Sanskrit) Spoken Sanskrit in 2010, Samayawardana Publishers,Colombo
- Saku Kavi Lakunu, Samayawardana Publishers,Colombo in 2010
- Makaranda-01 (A collection of Upadeshamala) in 2010.
- Makaranda-02 ( A collection of Sanskrit Statements) in 2012
- Ādaraya ( Love) in 2011.
- Sanskrutayen Racanavak Liyamuda? (Let us Write an essay in Sanskrit) in 2013.
- ëamäñöaçataka , (with English Translation) Samayawardhana Book Publishers, Maradana, in Printing
- Dhäumaïjaré , Samayawardhana Book Publishers, Maradana, in 2016
- västuvidyä preveçaya I , Samayawardhana Book Publishers, Maradana, in 2016
- västuvidyä preveçaya II , Samayawardhana Book Publishers, Maradana, in 2016
- Final year thesis, "The Influence of Sanskrit language for creating Sinhala Technical Terms" in 2008.
- Six books that have been written in order to admire the great dedication of Scholars on Sanskrit were edited under the guidance of Head of Department of Sanskrit
Poetical Creations in Sanskrit
- Buddhacaritam ( a collection of 10 Stanzas)
- An eulogy about Jayadeva Tilakasiri (a collection of 4 Stanza)
- An eulogy about Ven. Bellana Gnanawimala Nayaka Thera (a collection of 4 Stanzas)
- An eulogy about Prof. Mahinda Palihavadana ( a collection of 4 Stanza)
- An eulogy about Dr. Venarable Hiripitiye Pannakitti thero ( a collection of 4 Stanzas)
- An eulogy about Ven. Ratkarawwe Wimaladharma thero (a collection of 4 stanzas)
- An eulogy about Ven. Dauldena Gnanissara Nayaka thero ( a collection 4 Stanzas)
- Samyogameva karanam priyaviprayigam ( a collection of 4 Stanzas)
- Divam Gatah na hi atra Sankaa ( a collection of 7 Stanzas)
- Samyogajameva Viprayogam (a collection of 6 Stanzas
Abstract Papers
- An Abstract Paper presented on Influence of Sanskrit Architectural Theories to the health in Sinhala in 1st Sanskrit Symposium organized by the Department of Sanskrit in 2011.
- An abstract Paper Presented on The soil testing as revealed in Sanskrit Architectural Sources in English in 1st Sanskrit Symposium organized by the Department of Sanskrit in 2011.
- An abstract Paper Presented on The Place of women in Sanskrit Literature in Sanskrit, in 1st Sanskrit Symposium organized by the Department of Sanskrit in 2011.
- An abstract Paper presented on Bed room’s Planning according to the Vāstu in Annual Research Symposium conducted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies university of Kelaniya in 2011.
- An Abstract Paper Presented on Measurements Of House Planning In Sri Lanka based on Theorems Of Vāstu in International Research Conference Conducted by University Of Jayawardhanapura in 2012.
- An Abstract Paper presented on Influence of Architectural Theories on House planning in Sir Lanka, in International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, in 2015.
- An Abstract paper presented on The Influence of English Usage for creation of New Sinhalese Words, in International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, in 2015
- An Abstract paper presented on The Practical Values of Vāstu Techniques as depicted in Sanskrit Vāstu Texts,, in International Postgraduate Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, in 2015
- An abstract paper presented on The influence of techniques depicted in Sanskrit Vāstu texts for the planning of ancient Palaces in Sri lanka, in International Conference on the Humanities, University of Kelaniya, in 2015.
- Concise introduction to the Saundaranannda Epic, in English, Sādanā in 2007.
- Jāthaka Mālā , Annual Journal, Madanwala maha pirivana in 2010.
- Vākyam Rasātmakam kāvyam, journal of Faculty of Humanities in 2010.
- Sāhithyaye hamuvana rasamusuthan , Rathanasiri Abhinandana kalapaya in 2010.
- Jāthakamālā and āryasura , wimalekha journal, published by sarana seva samajaya in 2010.
- Kādambari Prose Poem, Neöesa Annual Journal,Asgiriya Maha Pirivena in 2011.
- Kasya pravurtir vānivurtir vā, Ambalangoda Sumannanda Abhivandan, Felicitation volume in 2011.
- Nāstiha satva ātmā vādharmāstvete sahetukāh, Sudasuna abhistava shāshtriya sangrahaya in 2011.
- Yogah Cittavurti nirodhah, Bhāshā prabhā, volume-iv, Department of Sanskrit, Sri Lanka Buddhist and Pali University, in 2011.
- Sanskrit Usage in Dambadeniya era, Bhāshāprabhā, V volume, Department of Sanskrit, Sri Lanka Buddhist and Pali University, in 2011.
- Importance of Sanskrit Language, Nenesa Annual Journal, Asgiriya Maha Pirivena in 2011.
- Pramāņa, Pārami, abhistava shāstriya sangrahaya, in 2011.
- Mātru pitru Premaya, Vidyātilaka Vesak Kalāpaya, ii volume in 2011.
- ādaraya, Bhāshā prabhā, Sambuddhajayanti vesak kalāpaya, University of Jayawardanapura, in printing.
- Birinda hā Semiya (Wife and Husband), volume - vi , Department of Sanskrit, Sri Lanka Buddhist and Pali University, in 2012.
- Upanishadayanhi igenveem (Teachings of Upanishads), Vidyālankāra Annual Journal, in 2011.
- Special Features of Language Usage in Sanskrit Dramas, Alocana Felicitation Volume in 2013.
- Lalitavistaraye Nirupita Bosat charitāpadānaya, Sāradā Journal, Department Of Pali and Buddhist, University of kelaniya, in printing.
- Nirvāņaya hā nirvutiya, Muditā, Deshabandu Sirisumana Godage Felicitation journal in 2011.
- Pāṁshu parikshanaya, Chirapraphā, Māduluvave Sobhita Abhistava Sangrahaya, in 2011.
- Brahmapuraya, Hiripitiye paññākirti, Felicitation journal in 2011.
- Guruvarayā, Kirti nārampanāva, Felicitation journal in 2011.
- Sanskruta Vākya Nirmānaya, Bhikku Sangamaya, University of Kelaniya in printing.
- Sanskrit Buddhist Literature, Vidyālankāra annual Journal, in 2012.
- The Influence of Sanskrit Vastu Theorems for the Modern Architecture, Guru Bethe Pada Vandana Felicitation Volume in 2012.
- Difference Between Vedic & Laukika Sanskrit, Vidyodaya Annual Journal, in Printing.
- Jātakamālā in Sanskrit, Daham Saraņa Newspaper, March 1-Volume in 2015
- çaça jätakaya, Daham Saraņa Newspaper, March 2-Volume in 2015
- cätuñkoöika Tarkaya, präcénodaya, saki printers, Matara, in 2014.
- siyabaslakara, neëesa, Nethvin printers, Kandy, in 2013
- Brahmapuraya, çästré, Godage and Brothers, Maradna, in 2013.
- Guruvarayā, Pāsādikā, Sr Devi printers, Dehiwala, in 2013.
- samägamaù säpagamaù, Vidyodaya Journal, Alumni Publication, in 2014.
- Language Usage in Sanskrit Drama, Ālocanā, Samayawardhane Publishers, Maradana, in 2013.
- kasya pravåttirvä nivåttirvä, Abhivandaā, Singiti Printers, Polwatta, in 2013
- The influence of Vāstu techniques for modern architectural practice, Gurubetipāda vandanā, Kosgama printers, in 2013.
- Duties of wife & Husband, Sri Dharmāloka Collage, in 2013
- Virahava (Separation), Journal of Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, in 2015
- Role of the Heroine in Sanskrit Drama, Sādanā, Department of Sanskrit, University of Kelaniya, in 2016.
- Features of great Epics, Sādanā, Department of Sanskrit, University of kelaniya, in 2016.
- Preface to ågveda, Journal of Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, in 2016
- kävyaçobhäkarän dharmän alaìkärän pracakñate, Deepan Printers, Gampaha, in 2015
- våtarakñaëaya, Anupassaā, Quality Printers, Nugegoda, in 2015.
- Gétagovindaya, Puśpārāma Felicitation Volume, in 2015.
- Obligation of Teachers and Students, Pravara Felicitation Volume, Deepana Printers, Gampaha, in 2013