Opening ceremony | Diploma in Buddhist Psychology and Counselling 2024 - 6th Batch

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The inaugural ceremony of the Diploma in  Buddhist Psychology and Counseling- 2024 - 6th batch, conducted by the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya, was held on 27. 01. 2024 at Professor Kotahene Prajnakeerthi Nahimi Memorial Hall, Faculty of Humanities.

Dr. Sudath Senarath, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and Senior Prof. Makuruppe Dhammananda Thera, Head of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies, keynote speaker of the event Emeritus professor of the Department of Buddhist Studies of Colombo University Asanga Thilakaratne, Professor KB Jayawardene, Head of the Department of Sanskrit and Eastern Studies, the Faculty of Humanities, Senior Lecturer, Anoma Ratnayake, Head, the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education of the Faculty of Social Sciences, many invited guests and Academic members of the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies attended this event. Lecturer Ven. Suriyawewa Wijayawimala Thera is the coordinator of this course.

This program attracted from various sectors of public service, including representatives from different agencies, officers from the police and armed forces, school teachers, and independent professionals. By engaging in the study of Buddhist psychology and counseling, a field of pressing contemporary relevance, participants aim to enhance not only their professional lives but also their personal development, contributing to the establishment of a virtuous society. All the speakers at the event highlighted the significance of such courses in providing valuable knowledge and resources to the society.




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