Contact Details:
Department of Linguistics
Faculty of Humanities
University of Kelaniya
Sri Lanka
Office: +94112908786 (Ext: 671/672)
Mobile: +94772293827
Email: jayamals@kln.ac.lk
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=E_J72BgAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jayamal-De-Silva
Specialized Field:
Academic Qualifications:
- Master of Philosophy in Translation Studies, University of Kelaniya (2021)
- Master of Arts in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (2017)
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons.), University of Kelaniya (2015)
- German Language Level A1, Goethe Institute, Sri Lanka (2013)
Teaching Experience:
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II) in Translation Methods / Studies, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (since October 2023)
- Lecturer in Translation Methods / Studies, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (October 2021 - October 2023)
- Lecturer (Probationary) in Translation Methods / Studies, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (October 2018 - October 2021)
- Visiting Lecturer, MA Programme in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (2021/2022 - Batch no. 20)
- Visiting Lecturer, Bachelor of Translation Studies, University of Vocational Technology (2022/2023 - Batch no. 02)
- Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya (Academic year 20202021)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 11th batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- Visiting Lecturer, MA Programme in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (2020/2021 - Batch no. 19)
- Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya (Academic year 2019/2020)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 10th batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (September 2021 – August 2022)
- Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya (Academic year 2018/2019)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 9th batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (January 2020 – December 2020)
- Visiting Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Kelaniya (Academic year 2017/2018)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 8th batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (October 2018 - October 2019)
- Visiting Lecturer in Translation Studies, Department of Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (October 2018)
- Visiting Lecturer, Higher Diploma in Trilingual Studies - 4th Batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (January 2018 - January 2020)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 7th Batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (October 2017 - October 2018)
- Temporary Lecturer in Translation Studies, Department of Languages, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (January 2017 - July 2018)
- Visiting Lecturer, Higher Diploma in Trilingual Studies - 3rd Batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (December 2016 - December 2018)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 6th Batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (October 2016 - September 2017)
- Visiting Lecturer, Diploma in Translation and Interpretation - 5th Batch, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (October 2015 - October 2016)
- Temporary Lecturer in Translation Methods, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (March 2015 - January 2017)
Positions Held (University of Kelaniya):
- Web Master, Faculty of Humanities (September 2022 - September 2024)
- Senior Treasurer, Translation Circle, Department of Linguistics (Academic Year 2020/2021)
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Humanities (Academic year 2020/2021)
- Coordinator, Humanities Undergraduate Research Symposium (HUG) 2021
- Web Master, Department of Linguistics (April 2022 - September 2022)
- Senior Treasurer, Translation Circle, Department of Linguistics (Academic Year 2019/2020)
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Humanities (Academic year 2019/2020)
- Web Master, Department of Linguistics (February 2021 - February 2022)
- Committee Member of the Centre for Sustainability Solutions, University of Kelaniya (Academic Year 2018/2019)
- Web Master, Department of Linguistics (February 2020 - February 2021)
- Senior Treasurer, Translation Circle, Department of Linguistics (Academic Year 2018/2019)
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Humanities (Academic year 2018/2019)
- Member of the Organizing Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium (HUG 2019), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya (2019)
- Web Master, Department of Linguistics (February 2019 - February 2020)
- Student Counsellor, Faculty of Humanities (Academic year 2017/2018)
- Member of the Organizing Committee, Fourth International Conference on Humanities (ICH 2018/2019), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya
- Member of the Organizing Committee, Undergraduate Research Symposium (HUG 2018), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya (2018)
- Senior Treasurer, Translation Circle, Department of Linguistics (Academic Year 2017/2018)
- Best Presenter, Staff Development Research Forum 2019, Staff Development Centre, University of Kelaniya
Contribution to National Development:
- Resource Person for developing the curriculum of the Translation Studies degree programme, Faculty of Education, University of Vocational Training, Ratmalana
Publications: Books
- භාෂා පරිවර්තන ප්රවේශය (Bhāṣā Parivartana Pravēśaya – Introduction to Translation) ISBN 978-955-30-8789-8 (2018), S. Godage and Brothers Publications (pvt) Ltd, Colombo.
- මායා සිහිනය (Māya Sihiniya) (2014), Translated Short Story Collection, Translation Circle, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya.
Publications: Conference Papers
- Applicability of Google Translate in Sinhalese Diglossic Contexts (2019), International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
- Tackling Metalinguistic Lacunas and the Choice of Loans: A Study Based on the Compilation of a Sinhalese Treatise on Indian Folk Dance (2018), International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
- Quality of Machine Translation and the Role of Post-Editing (2017), International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
- The Extent of Cultural Transposition for the Translation of Contrastive Cultural Identity (2017), Third International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL), University of Kelaniya
- Concealing Eḷu Terms with Sanskrit Borrowings: A Response to the Conflict between Sense and Style in Translating Classics (2017), Second International Conference on Sanskrit Studies (ICSS), University of Kelaniya
- The Use of Machine-Aided Translation (MAT) and Machine Translation (MT): An Enquiry on Pedagogy and Professional Translation in Sri Lanka (2017), Third International Conference on the Humanities (ICH), University of Kelaniya
- Types of Borrowings Followed in Udaya Prasanta Meddegama’s English Translation of Guruḷugomi’s Amāvatura (2017), International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA), University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Identifying the Ideal Contribution from Computer Technology towards Translation Involving the Sinhalese Language (2017), Symposium on Natural Language Processing (SNLP), University of Moratuwa
- Impacts of Target Audience Culture on the Translation of Dramatic Texts (2016), International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS), University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- An Examination on the Dichotomy between Translation and Adaptation (2016), Second International Conference on the Humanities (ICH), University of Kelaniya
- Translating Concrete Poems (2016), Second International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL), University of Kelaniya
- The Significance of Rhyming Scheme in Poetry Translation (2016), International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
- Methods Followed in Translating Drama Songs (2015), International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
- Some Observations on Personifying Sinhalese Inanimate Nouns (2015), International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPRC), University of Kelaniya
- Imitation as a Method of Translation: A Study Based on Selected Sinhalese Poems Inspired by Wordsworthian Poetry (2015), First International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL), University of Kelaniya
- Causes for the Sinhala Spelling Errors and Mistakes: A Study Based on the Students Reading Translation Methods at University of Kelaniya (2015), First International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL), University of Kelaniya
- A Comparative Study on the English and Sinhalese Translations of Songs in Bertolt Brecht’s ‘Der Kaukasiche Kreidekreis’ (2015), International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (ICMA), University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Issues Occurred in Translating Tenses in German and French into English (2014), ‘Gnosis’ - The Student Research Forum, Department of English, University of Kelaniya
Publications: Journal Articles
- භාෂා පරිවර්තනය පිළිබඳ ජෝන් ඩ්රයිඩන් සංකල්පය (2019), Professor Indra Dasanayake Memorial Academic Journal, Department of Hindi, University of Kelaniya.
සාහිත්ය පරිවර්තනයෙහි ස්වභාවය (2018), Wāgishā: Professor R. M. W. Rajapakshe Felicitation Volume (ISBN 978-955-704-034-9), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya.
The Biblical Story of the Tower of Babel (2018), Wāgishā: Professor Asoka Premaratne Felicitation Volume (ISBN 978-955-704-033-2), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya.
පරිවර්තන අධ්යයනයෙහි ප්රභවය සහ විකාශනය (2017), Samprekshana Academic Journal: Issue 5 (ISSN 2536-8818), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya.
මානව භාෂාවේ ස්වභාවය (2016), Prabhā Academic Journal: Issue 4 (ISSN 2279-3127), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya.
නාට්ය පෙළ පරිවර්තකයාගේ කාර්යය (2016) Vidurusanda Academic Journal (ISBN 978-955-7284-00-2) Ruwanpura National College of Education, Kahawatte.
තොටගමුවේ ශ්රී රාහුල හිමිගේ විභීෂණ දේව භක්තිය සැලළිහිණි සන්දේශයෙන් හෙළි වන අන්දම (2016), Dhammadassi Academic Journal: Issue 2 (ISSN 978-955-449-891-4), Damsak Daham Poth Arana, Pitakotte.
භාෂා පරිවර්තනය පිළිබඳ ඇලෙක්සැන්ඩර් ෆ්රාසර් ටයිට්ලර් සංකල්පය (2015) DHĪ: Academic Journal of the Faculty of Humanities: Issue 23 (ISSN 1391-5096), University of Kelaniya.
නාට්ය පෙළ පරිවර්තනය හා අනුවර්තනය (2015), Prabhā Academic Journal: Issue 3 (ISSN 2279-3127), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya.
- වාගීෂා (Wāgishā): Professor R. M. W. Rajapakshe Felicitation Volume (2018) (ISBN 978-955-704-034-9), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- වාගීෂා (Wāgishā): Professor Asoka Premaratne Felicitation Volume (2018) (ISBN 978-955-704-033-2), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- සම්ප්රේක්ෂණ ශාස්ත්රීය සංග්රහය (Samprekshana Academic Journal) Issue 5 (2017) (ISSN 2536-8818), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- ප්රභා ශාස්ත්රීය සංග්රහය (Prabhā Academic Journal) Issue 4 (2016) (ISSN 2279-3127), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya
- ධම්මදස්සි ශාස්ත්රීය සංග්රහය (Dhammadassi Academic Journal) Issue 2 (2016) (ISSN 978-955-449-891-4), Damsak Daham Poth Arana, Pitakotte
- Book of Abstracts (2016) (ISSN 2513-2954), Second International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- Book of Abstracts (2016) (ISSN 2536-8834), Undergraduate Research Conference on Linguistics, (URCL) Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- ප්රභා ශාස්ත්රීය සංග්රහය (Prabhā Academic Journal) Issue 3 (2015) (ISSN 2279-3127), Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelaniya
- Book of Abstracts (2015) First International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka (ICLSL), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- මායා සිහිනය (Māya Sihiniya) (2014) Translated Short Story Collection, Translation Circle, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya