Specialized field:
- Comparative and Historical Linguistics
- Morphology
- Logical Semantics
Academic qualifications:
- Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (2021)
- Master of Philosophy in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- Master of Arts in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
- Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Linguistics, University of Kelaniya
Positions held:
- Faculty Representative, Quality Assurance Cell, Faculty of Humanities (since 2021)
- Academic Coordinator, MA in Linguistics Programme (since 2021)
- Academic Coordinator, Diploma in Tamil (since 2019)
- Academic Warden, Jayathilake hostel
Teaching experience:
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (since April 2019)
- Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (April 2017 - April 2019)
- Lecturer (Probationary), Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya (April 2014 - April 2017)
2012: M.Phil Dissertion (Unpublished) A linguistic Analysis of Sinhala verb System. (With reference to “Buthsaranaa”)
2001 :B.A. Disseration (Unpublished) A stylistic analysis of Mahagamasekara’s free verses. (With reference to “Prabuddha”)
- Buthsaranehi kriya:pada pilibanda vimarshanayak; 2017, Vidyalankara Pirivena, Peliyagoda. ISBN 978-955-0838-05-9
- Buthsaranehi kriya:pada su:chiya. 2017, Vidyalankara Pirivena, Peliyagoda. ISBN 978-955-0838-06-6
- Tharkanaya ha: bha:shava. 2017, Vidyalankara Pirivena, Peliyagoda. ISBN 978-955-0838-07-3
- Madyakālīna Sinhalaye thrikalika kriya-'ANVE:SHANA': -The Journal of Post Graduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies-University of Kelaniya-Sri lanka.Vol. viii, 2017, Editors:Senior Lecturer,Ven Dr Wadinagala pagngnaloka Thero & Senior Lecturer Dr. Ashoka Welitota; Published by the Post Graduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies-University of Kelaniya-Sri lanka pp 128-137 ISSN 1391-5649
- Perani Indu Arya Viyanjana Sanyuiktha Sinhala Bhashawata Vikasanaya Vu: A:karaya.-'SAMPREKSHANA'-vol.5 -The Journal published by the Department of Linguistics,University of Kelaniya Reviewers : Senior Professor R M W Rajapakshe, Prof A C Premarathne, Senior Professor W M Wijerathne, Professor Janaki Wijesekara & othersEditor: K K Ganushka Randula Published by: Linguistics Association, Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya Pp.100-106, ISSN 2536-8818
Sinhala bha:sha:ve bha:vitha krudantha pada pilibanda vimasumak- "POOJAANJALEE"Vol II-2017 Editor: Lecturer Ranjani Malavipathirana; Published by Thusitha Pirivena, Urubokka. pp.52-59 ISSN: 2357-2892
Dharma Pradeepikawa, amawathura saha sarana grantha thrithvaye gadya rithiya ha bhashathmaka lakshana pilibanda vimarshanayak-'PABHASSARA' Ven Marapana Wijitha thero Felicitation Volume -2016 Editors: Ven Devagoda Piyarathana Thero, Prof. W S Karunathilaka, Professor R M W Rajapakshe, Prof. Lakshman Senevirathne, Senior Lecturer Sudath Senarath, Dr. R K Karunathilaka Published by Va:gvidya Parshadaya, Department of Linguistics University of Kelaniya. pp.255 264, ISBN 978-955-30-4491-4
Kriyadhathu padima shabdhima gana valata bedeema-'WA:GI:SHA' – Professor Asoka Premarathne Felicitation Volume 2017 Chief Editor: Senior Prof. W M Wijerathne Editors: Rev Dr. Anandakiththi thero, Prof. G J S Wijesekara, Prof. S J Yogarajah, Dr. C D H M Premarathe, Senior Lecturer Sudath Senarath & others; Published by the Department of Linguistics,University of Kelaniya. pp. 142-150 ISBN-978-955-704-033-2
Madhyakaalena Sinhala bhashave yedena kriya pa:da, kriya samaasa saha prachchana kriya-'WA:GI:SHA' – Professor R.M.W.Rajapaksha Felicitation Volume 2017 Chief Editor: Senior Prof. W M Wijerathne Editors: Rev Dr. Anandakiththi thero, Prof. G J S Wijesekara, Prof. S J Yogarajah, Dr. C D H M Premarathe, Senior Lecturer Sudath Senarath & others. Published by the Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya. Pp. 67-85 ISBN-978-955-704-034-9
- Minis Bhashawe Manomaya Pasubima-'SANKALPANA'- Prof. Susantha Mahaulpatha Felicitation Volume 2017 Chief Editor: Prof. Emeritus Kulathilaka Kumarasinghe Editors: Gihan Madusanka Hettiarachchi, Eranga Kaushalya Godakandaarachchi Published by S. Godage and Brothers, Maradana pp 221-225 ISBN 978-955-30-7800-1
- Weerawardhana V.A. 2013, Linguistics and Stylistics (In Sinhala)”Pasadika” – Essays honor of prof Keerithi Naranpanawa. pp 213-216.
- Weerawardhana V.A.,2013, Significance of the Free Verse style of Mahagamasekara (In Sinhala) “Shasthri”-Essays in honor of Ven. Hiripitiye Pagngnakiththi Thero, P.P.114-119.
- Tamil borrowings in Sinhala-2015, Research Forum- e-proceedings/ Staff Development Unit, University of Kelaniya, Kelaniya. http://units.kln.ac.lk/SDU/index.php/publications.html ISSN 24489743
- Theories on Child language acquistion-2017- http://newsofkelaniya.com/?p=1646 NOK, Students' e newspaper, University of Kelaniya
- A Lingustic Study on the Sinhalese Verb System in Middle Sinhalese Era( 8 C AD – 13C AD) with Reference to Classical Sinhalese Literary Text ' Buthsarana' – International Postgraduate Research Conference 2015 ( IPRC) 10th Dec 2015, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya. page no -48
- A Comparative Study on the Structure of Natural Languages and Logical Arguments – International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka 2015 (ICLSL) 6th August 2015 – Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniyam page no: 11
- Lexical Differences between Sri Lankan Tamil and Muslim Tamil Dialects – International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches 2015 ( ICMA)- 11th of September 2015, Faculty of Graduarte Studies, University of Sri Jayawardenapura. page no: 76
- A Case Study of a Child Acquiring Sinhalese as the First Language- Second– International Conference on Linguistics in Sri Lanka 2016 (ICLSL) 25th August 2016 – Department of Linguistics, University of Kelaniya page no: 98
- A Study on Micro – Verb Phrases, Quasi –Verbs and Compound Verbs in Middle Sinhalese Language Era with reference to the Classical Sinhalese Literary Text Buthsarana - International Conference on Humanities 2016 (ICH) ,6th October 2016, Faculty of Humanities, University of Kelnaiya. page no: 59
- Rekhima vicaraya – 'KARUNA' Senior Chair Professor W.S.Karunatillake felicitation volume – 2017 Editors: Senior Chair Professor R.M.W. Rajapakshe, Prof. G.J.S.Wijesekara. Published by S.Godage & Bros., Maradana.
- Lingustic Features in Child Language Acqusition: A casw Study of a Child Acquiring Sinhalese as the First Language. International Postgraduate Research Conference 2016 (IPRC) 10th Dec 2016, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya. page no: 60